William McAllister - Incite at Columbia University
William McAllister
(Senior Research Fellow)
- Contact wm134@columbia.edu
William McAllister, Columbia University, is former Director of the Mellon Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellows Program and a Senior Research Fellow at Incite.
McAllister’s recent research uses methods of trajectory analysis to study the lives of homeless people and the effects of policies and programs on their lives. He is also analyzing the relationship between experimentally designed research and policymaking and program design and carrying out a long-term study on transformations in the recruitment structure of the U.S. state.
His research has appeared in the American Behavioral Scientist, American Journal of Public Health, Social Services Review, among other journals, and has been funded by NSF and NIH, among other government agencies, and by Langeloth and JP Morgan Chase, among other foundations and nonprofits.
go to Facing Whiteness
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go to Measuring Liberal Arts
Measuring Liberal ArtsUsing a novel dataset to measure of the degree to which American colleges and universities offer a liberal arts education. Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
go to Mellon Interdisciplinary Fellows
Mellon Interdisciplinary FellowsBringing together over 200 graduate students in interdisciplinary training across the humanities and sciences. Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
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Meet Our Team
Ixchel Bosworth(Graduate Fellow in Academic Administration)ib2464@columbia.edu go to the Ixchel Bosworth page
Shana Redmond(Director, Center for the Study of Social Difference)slr2215@columbia.edu go to the Shana Redmond page