Incite at Columbia University
Insights thrive in unlikely company
Insights thrive in unlikely company
At Incite Institute, scholars, changemakers, artists, and others unite to engage the social world in surprising new ways.
A home for unconventional ideas
Together with our collaborators, we ask and pursue ambitious questions, embracing experimentation even at the risk of failure.
Upcoming events
go to the The Kitchen Project news
Oral History Workshops The Kitchen Project Ariel Urim Chung discusses her award-winning thesis “Eating Asian: Listening to Asiatic Femininity in the Kitchen” followed by a Q&A. Talk
go to the How Student Communities Shape Belief Liberalization in Higher Education news
Narrative Workshop How Student Communities Shape Belief Liberalization in Higher Education Craig Rawlings visits the Narrative Workshop to discuss how student communities shape belief liberalization in higher education. Workshop
go to the When We All Get To Heaven news
Oral History Workshops When We All Get To Heaven Lynne Gerber, Ariana Nedelman, and Siri Colom will discuss their forthcoming audio documentary, “When We All Get To Heaven.” Talk
go to the Self Preservation: Making Space for Your Memory news
Oral History Workshops Self Preservation: Making Space for Your Memory This workshop will feature an interactive discussion on how to document and preserve one's own story, led by oral historian Ambar Wortham. Workshop
Because social issues need social insights
The biggest issues of our time aren't just technical—they're social. We bring together partners from inside and outside the academy who approach these issues with different forms of expertise.
Featured Projects
go to the The Elders Project project
The Elders Project Capturing the stories of elders who have shaped America—from Civil Rights activists to tribal leaders to survivors of Stonewall—before they’re lost to history.
go to the Movements Against Mass Incarceration project
Movements Against Mass Incarceration
Building the United States' first archive to center the political ideas and movement-building of incarcerated people.
go to the Obama Presidency Oral History project
Obama Presidency Oral History
Creating a comprehensive oral history of the Obama years with over 450 officials, activists, organizers, and extraordinary people from all walks of life.
Building new capacities
Through our projects, funding opportunities, training programs, and public events, we strive to build capacity in people and organizations so that they can drive transformation on their own terms.
Latest news
go to the Two new paid publishing opportunities for writers and artists news
Two new paid publishing opportunities for writers and artistsIncite Institute has invested in two new publications that are seeking paid contributors to critically engage with the past and present in an effort to imagine better futures.
go to the Ready to make history? news
Ready to make history?We're training the next generation of oral historians and story keepers through our graduate program, summer intensive, and free workshops. Find out how to join our community.
go to the Meet the 2024–2025 Global Change Program Grantees news
Meet the 2024–2025 Global Change Program GranteesWe are pleased to introduce you to our 2024–2025 Global Change Program grantees, who hail from Hungary, the Philippines, Argentina, and Canada.
go to the Meet the 2024–2025 Assembling Voices Fellows news
Meet the 2024–2025 Assembling Voices FellowsAfter our most competitive application season yet, we have put together a promising 2024-2025 cohort for Incite Institute’s Assembling Voices Fellowship.