Events - Incite at Columbia University
go to the INHIYAR (BREAKDOWN) Noise from the Underground event
Mar 29 Saturday 7:00 pmINHIYAR (BREAKDOWN) Noise from the Underground Leading artists in experimental–underground Noise scenes deploying poetic practices to resist and denounce politics of total destruction.
go to the Narrativizing Crisis and Agency in Personal Appeals event
Apr 2 Wednesday 4:00 pmNarrativizing Crisis and Agency in Personal AppealsNarrative WorkshopAmy Weissenbach joins us for the Narrative Workshop to discuss how storytelling narrativizes crisis and agency in personal appeals.
go to the A'Lelia Bundles Community Scholars Showcase & Networking Mixer event
Apr 10 Thursday 5:00 pmA'Lelia Bundles Community Scholars Showcase & Networking Mixer Join us to celebrate the work and community impact of our Bundles scholars.
go to the Contractions: Practicing Refusal event
Apr 10 Thursday 5:30 pmContractions: Practicing RefusalOral History WorkshopsDawn Weleski discusses their role as co-founder and co-director of Conflict Kitchen, followed by a Q&A.
go to the Narratives of Filiation in Mário de Andrade's Macunaíma event
Apr 16 Wednesday 4:00 pmNarratives of Filiation in Mário de Andrade's MacunaímaNarrative WorkshopMarta Figlerowicz join us for the Narrative Workshop to discuss narratives of filiation presented in the novel Macunaíma written by Mario de Andrade.
Event Series
Past events
go to the Hard Questions Grant Information Session event
Mar 19 Wednesday 09:00 amHard Questions Grant Information Session Join us for an information session on Incite Institute's new Hard Questions Grant.
go to the Using Narratives to Study Perception and Memory in the Brain event
Mar 12 Wednesday 4:00 pmUsing Narratives to Study Perception and Memory in the BrainNarrative WorkshopChris Baldassano visits the Narrative Workshop to study narratives for insight into perception and memory in the brain.
go to the Q&A Session for New Working Groups at CSSD event
Mar 12 Wednesday 1:00 pmQ&A Session for New Working Groups at CSSD Thinking of starting a new working group at CSSD? Join us for a Q+A.
go to the Women and Democracy in Latin America event
Mar 11 Tuesday 12:30 pmWomen and Democracy in Latin America Bringing together voices from Latin American politics, civil society, and the university for a fresh conversation on women and democracy.
go to the Altars Archives event
Mar 6 Thursday 5:30 pmAltars ArchivesOral History WorkshopsArtist, organizer, researcher, and director Emilia Yang will offer strategies for decolonizing participatory art, design and witnessing.
go to the Self Preservation: Making Space for Your Memory event
Feb 28 Friday 5:30 pmSelf Preservation: Making Space for Your MemoryOral History WorkshopsThis workshop will feature an interactive discussion on how to document and preserve one's own story, led by oral historian Ambar Wortham.
go to the Incite x CSSD Gathering | February 27 event
Feb 27 Thursday 3:00 pmIncite x CSSD Gathering | February 27 Please join us for snacks and meeting new members of them CSSD x Incite team!
go to the When We All Get To Heaven event
Feb 20 Thursday 5:30 pmWhen We All Get To HeavenOral History WorkshopsCreators Lynne Gerber, Ariana Nedelman, and Siri Colom will discuss their forthcoming audio documentary, “When We All Get To Heaven.”
go to the How Student Communities Shape Belief Liberalization in Higher Education event
Feb 19 Wednesday 4:00 pmHow Student Communities Shape Belief Liberalization in Higher EducationNarrative WorkshopCraig Rawlings visits the Narrative Workshop to discuss how student communities shape belief liberalization in higher education.
go to the Jeffrey H. Brodsky Oral History Award Talk: The Kitchen Project event
Feb 13 Thursday 5:30 pmJeffrey H. Brodsky Oral History Award Talk: The Kitchen ProjectOral History WorkshopsAriel Urim Chung will discuss her award-winning thesis “Eating Asian: Listening to Asiatic Femininity in the Kitchen” followed by a Q&A.
Our programming is made possible by the Paul F. Lazarsfeld endowment at Columbia University.