Facing Whiteness - Incite at Columbia University
Facing Whiteness
- Timeframe 2015–2019
- Website facingwhiteness.incite.columbia.edu
- Project Team Peter Bearman Mary Marshall Clark Michael Falco Sam Lutzker Charlotte Wang Whitney Dow William McAllister
- Funded by Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Chicago Media Project
According to the 2010 Census, 77% of Americans identify as “white.” Despite this fact, white Americans generally think of race as primarily pertaining to racial and ethnic minorities.
By surveying and interviewing white participants from three parts of the country, Facing Whiteness explores the ways that a diverse group of white Americans understand their own racial and ethnic identities. A collaboration with filmmaker Whitney Dow, this interdisciplinary project between the social sciences and humanities seeks to engage in an open discussion about whiteness in America, motivated by James Baldwin's assertion that "not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
Facing Whiteness chose three field sites to undertake this work and conducted a mix of ethnographic observation, surveys, and interviews with more than 850 participants. The sites are Battle Creek, Michigan; Cheyenne, Wyoming; and Richmond, Virginia.
A select group lived in each location for approximately one month, during which time the team participated in and observed local life: attending church services and political meetings; visiting local stores to discuss business and the community; and chatting with many, many people over coffee. Local participants became involved in Facing Whiteness through these social networks, with friends and family sharing our intake survey, which asked about one’s background, attitudes, and beliefs.
In total, more than 850 people took this survey, and the team personally interviewed 116 of these participants. For these interviewees, the team also collected data at three additional time points: surveying right before and right after interviews and three to six months after the interview, after they had had a chance to review their interview transcripts and submit photographs. We surveyed participants at multiple times to capture attitudinal changes over time.
By design, survey questions were often repeated across surveys, though additional questions asking about participant social networks and about attitudes towards race and toward the interview experience, among other areas, were also added to later surveys.
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open website
Whitney Dow, Peter Bearman, Mary Marshall Clark, et al., "Facing Whiteness Survey and Interview Collection, 2017-2018", August 31, 2018
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