Grocery Delivery Workers Project - Incite at Columbia University
Grocery Delivery Workers Project
- Led by Columbia Labor Lab
- Team
- Timeframe 2017–2019
- Funded by United Food and Commercial Workers
Making use of sales data, online customer reviews, worker reviews, surveys, and interviews with delivery workers, the project sought to explore a variety of pertinent questions about the grocery delivery industry, including:
- What is the composition of the grocery delivery workforce?
- What is the nature of grocery delivery work?
- Relatedly, how do workers respond to unfairness at work?
Using natural language processing methods, the project also to explored the discursive trends across online reviews of grocery delivery companies.
Related Works
open website
Alina Selyukh, Kathleen Griesbach, "At The Mercy Of An App: Workers Feel The Instacart Squeeze", NPR, All Things Considered, November 25, 2019
open website
Luke Elliott-Negri, Kathleen Griesbach, Ruth Milkman, Adam Reich, "Algorithmic Control in Platform Food Delivery Work", Socius, August 30, 2019
open website
Suresh Naidu, Adam Reich, "Collective Action and Customer Service in Retail", ILR Review, December 14, 2017
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