Rebecca McGilveray - Incite at Columbia University

Rebecca McGilveray (she/her) joined Incite during her time as a student in the Oral History Master of Arts Program (OHMA).

After working as a Communications Fellow and Administrative Assistant for the program, she went on to become the Program Manager for OHMA after her graduation in 2019. Rebecca has also been involved in other projects throughout Incite in both an intellectual and administrative capacity. These have included the Obama Presidency Oral History, the Transforming India podcast, the Aryeh Neier Oral History Project and the Mott Haven Oral History Project. Rebecca's research interests include oral histories of gentrification and displacement and the impact of deindustrialization on her home country of Scotland.

She has spoken at national conferences on transitional justice in Northern Ireland and on the significance of GDPR and data protection for oral historians.


  • go to Aryeh Neier Oral History
    Aryeh Neier Oral History
    Exploring the life, influence, and legacy of a prolific human rights activist. Funded by Open Society Foundations
  • go to Obama Presidency Oral History
    Obama Presidency Oral History
    Creating a comprehensive oral history of the Obama years with over 450 officials, activists, organizers, and extraordinary people from all walks of life. Funded by Columbia University's Office of the President

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