Health and Society Scholars - Incite at Columbia University
Health and Society Scholars
This program promoted innovative and interdisciplinary research in population health through working groups, internal funding, and public events.
During the program’s 12 years, we hosted 35 postdoctoral scholars. Our program integrated faculty and scholars in the health, behavioral, social, and environmental sciences. Columbia H&SS supported theoretically-informed and methodologically rigorous basic and applied research.
The program fostered an intellectual environment open to unexpected insights from our juxtaposition of different disciplines and points of view; our cross-talk among research, policy, and advocacy; and our encounter with the stimulating and complex environment of New York City. During the 12 years the program awarded more than $2.4 million in seed grant support to an array of projects in population health.
Related Works
open website
Jonathan L. Zelner, Megan B. Murray, Mercedes C. Becerra, Jerome Galea, Leonid Lecca, Roger Calderon, Rosa Yataco, Carmen Contreras, Zibiao Zhang, Justin Manjourides, Bryan T. Grenfell, Ted Cohen, "Identifying hotspots of multidrug resistant tuberculosis transmission using spatial and molecular genetic data", Journal of Infectious Diseases, July 14, 2015
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