Art in the Midst of Cultural and Ecological Crisis - Incite at Columbia University

Incubated Project

Art in the Midst of Cultural and Ecological Crisis

With support from Incite, Denise Milstein is examining the work of artists responding to instances of ecological crisis and cultural erasure through care, research, experimentation, and the promotion of sustainable, diverse, and multi-species communities.

The project team working with sound artist Alexander Rishaug in Sørfinnset skole as part of developing a SørfinnsetTV episode, supported in part by Incite. Photo by Caitlin Franzmann.

Two art projects, Ensayos and Sørfinnset skole/the nordland, model ways of building and working in community, producing and sharing knowledge, and mobilizing to address environmental challenges. At the center of this comparison is an examination of how relational art connects local and Indigenous communities with scientists, activists, and policymakers responding to the challenges of climate change.

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