People, Power, and Planning - Incite at Columbia University

Incubated Project

People, Power, and Planning

Hungary is experiencing a rise in populist and illiberal government policies that create a challenging environment for civil society organizations (CSOs) to plan and operate in.

The School of Public Life, a grassroots civic education center founded in 2014 dedicated to building a democratic and just Hungary, is working to empower grassroots and civil society organizations through strategic planning tailored to their needs. Its Strategic Planning Collective facilitates two-day retreats wherein civil society leaders develop realistic, high-impact plans tailored to Hungary’s current political environment.


With support from the Global Change Program, Ágnes Fernengel, Eszter Jagodits, and Fanny Hajdú from the School of Public Life will expand this work with a seven-day "train the trainers" program and a year-long mentorship program for a dozen new strategic planning facilitators. In addition, the team will provide five days of strategic retreat sessions to less-resourced CSOs across the country.

In doing so, the School of Public Life aims to help CSOs become more effective, sustainable, and resilient.

About the Team

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    Ágnes Fernengel

    Executive director of the School of Public Life, a community-based training center that develops democratic culture in Hungary and supports social movement building, member and co-founder of the Strategic Planning Collective of the School of Public Life

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    Eszter Jagodits

    Facilitator and special needs educator, member and co-founder of the Strategic Planning Collective of the School of Public Life.

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    Fanny Hajdú

    Facilitator and social theater practitioner, member and coordinator of the Strategic Planning Collective of the School of Public Life.

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