Global Change Program - Incite at Columbia University
Global Change Program
- Grant Value $25,000 USD
- Grantees to Date 5
- Eligible Region Global
- Contact Evan McCormick
Communities around the world are confronting critical challenges in a number of areas, including climate change, education access, interstate conflict, public health crises, and data transparency.
Through the Global Change Program, Incite Institute provides grants of up to $25,000 USD to leaders of initiatives around the globe that offer innovative, community-centered approaches to some of the world’s most pressing challenges. In addition, Incite commits to amplifying GCP projects through its own network of scholars, researchers, and activists.
Global Change Program grantees remain in the field during the award year while receiving intellectual support from Incite, including tailored opportunities for exchanging knowledge with scholars working on similar problems at Columbia University.
In 2023, we piloted the program by supporting Allison Benson-Hernandez of Re-Imagenemos, an organization fostering the country’s first national-level discussion of inequality through a series of community conversations across Colombia. Through these discussions, hundreds of people from different social backgrounds and professional perspectives worked together to build an agenda of community-led initiatives on inequality.
Owing to the success of this pilot, the Global Change Program has since funded four projects in four different countries.
Global Change Program applications are currently closed.
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GCP is open to activists, scholars, organizers, artists, and other leaders around the world with compelling proposals for community-based change-making work.
GCP funds individuals, or small groups of individuals, rather than organizations. An organizational affiliation is not required for application. However, we recognize that the applicant and project described in the proposal may be affiliated with the work of an organization.
We’re looking for specific, concerted efforts—projects, campaigns, or programs, for example—that are scaled to effectively deliver the impact envisioned in the proposal. Proposals may be involve new or ongoing work.
We seek projects that center communities which most directly face the global challenge identified by the applicant, and which stand to benefit from the impact of the initiative. Communities can be defined in different ways—by language, geography, or interests, for example—but applicants must demonstrate how the community’s participation will meaningfully shape the initiative.
Strong applications will clearly identify the challenge or set of related challenges their project is designed to address and will clearly identify the impact their project is expected to have on that challenge as experienced by the community.
For more information, check out our past GCP projects.
Grant funds can be used for initiative support related to the project considered in the proposal. Initiative support might include, for example: labor, space, supplies, communications costs, and other expenses that are directly related to the project outlined in the proposal.
Incubated Projects
go to A Latin American Civil Society Hub
A Latin American Civil Society HubStrengthening Latin American civil society organizations through regional collaborations. Part of the Global Change Program
go to Centering Indigenous Health Equity
Centering Indigenous Health EquityHosting Indigenous-led conversations about health equity and access across the Philippines. Part of the Global Change Program
go to Climate Dialogues at Scale
Climate Dialogues at ScaleProducing an inclusive dialogue about climate change in Montreal by combining community engagement and natural language processing. Part of the Global Change Program
go to Cross-Regional Dialogues On Inequality
Cross-Regional Dialogues On InequalityFostering regional dialogues on inequality across Colombia. Part of the Global Change Program
go to People, Power, and Planning
People, Power, and PlanningBuilding the capacities of Hungarian civil society organizations through tailored strategic planning and mentorship programs. Part of the Global Change Program
Related opportunities
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Assembling VoicesSupporting US-based artists, writers, scholars, journalists, performers, activists, workers, and others with compelling ideas for public initiatives. Funded by Incite Institute
go to Hard Questions Grant
Hard Questions GrantUp to $75,000 for research that tackles hard questions with innovative approaches too risky for traditional funding mechanisms. Funded by Incite Institute
go to Incite Institute Dissertation Grant
Incite Institute Dissertation Grant$5,000 grants for Columbia Arts & Sciences PhD students. Funded by Incite Institute
go to Left Field Fund
Left Field FundFor project ideas that don’t fit our funding programs—but fit our mission—and can be executed for $5,000 or less. Funded by Incite Institute