Incite at Columbia University

Insights thrive in unlikely company

Insights thrive in unlikely company

At Incite Institute, scholars, changemakers, artists, and others unite to engage the social world in surprising new ways.

A home for unconventional ideas

Together with our collaborators, we ask and pursue ambitious questions, embracing experimentation even at the risk of failure.

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Because social issues need social insights

The biggest issues of our time aren't just technical—they're social. We bring together partners from inside and outside the academy who approach these issues with different forms of expertise.

Featured Projects

  • go to the The Elders Project project
    The Elders Project Capturing the stories of elders who have shaped America—from Civil Rights activists to tribal leaders to survivors of Stonewall—before they’re lost to history. Funded by Emerson Collective
  • go to the Movements Against Mass Incarceration project
    Movements Against Mass Incarceration

    Building the United States' first archive to center the political ideas and movement-building of incarcerated people.

    Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
  • go to the Obama Presidency Oral History project
    Obama Presidency Oral History

    Creating a comprehensive oral history of the Obama years with over 450 officials, activists, organizers, and extraordinary people from all walks of life.

    Funded by Columbia University's Office of the President

Building new capacities

Through our projects, funding opportunities, training programs, and public events, we strive to build capacity in people and organizations so that they can drive transformation on their own terms.

Upcoming events