Kimberly Springer - Incite at Columbia University
Kimberly Springer
(Curator, Oral History Archives at Columbia)
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Dr. Kimberly Springer is Curator for Oral History for the Oral History Archives at Columbia University’s Rare Book & Manuscript Library.
She holds a Master’s of Information Science, specializing in archives, preservation, and social computing from the University of Michigan–Ann Arbor. She obtained her Doctorate from the Women’s Studies Program at Emory University in Atlanta.
go to Columbia Privacy Lab
Columbia Privacy LabConducting research, providing instruction, and developing privacy tools for the university and surrounding community. Funded by the Board of Trustees of the American Assembly
go to Obama Presidency Oral History
Obama Presidency Oral HistoryCreating a comprehensive oral history of the Obama years with over 450 officials, activists, organizers, and extraordinary people from all walks of life. Funded by Columbia University's Office of the President
go to The Elders Project
The Elders ProjectCapturing the stories of elders who have shaped America—from Civil Rights activists to tribal leaders to survivors of Stonewall—before they’re lost to history. Funded by Emerson Collective
Related Works
open website
Nkima Stephenson, Kimberly Springer, "Columbia Privacy Lab & Public Assistance Benefits", Columbia Academic Commons, February 23, 2023
Meet Our Team
Mary Marshall Clark(Director, Columbia Center for Oral History Research) go to the Mary Marshall Clark page