Oral History Summer Institute - Incite at Columbia University
Oral History Summer Institute
- Year Founded 2001
- Institutes Hosted 18
- Alumni 350+
- Contact Mary Marshall Clark
- Learn More ccohr.incite.columbia.edu
Bi-annually, the Columbia Center for Oral History Research (CCOHR) sponsors a summer institute in New York City that brings together oral historians, scholars, activists, and others for two weeks of advanced conversation in the theory and practice of oral history.
Participants work with the Center’s world-class staff, network with oral historians from around the world and go to exhibits in New York City. Each year the institute focuses on a different theme that reflects CCOHR's work from throughout the past year.
Past program themes have included Indigenous memories, rights, and narratives; narrating catastrophe; social change; gender and memory; advocacy and the law; human rights; and popultion health. Past faculty participating in the program have included Mary Marshall Clark, Alessandro Portelli, Peter Bearman, Linda Shopes, and Amy Starecheski.
Application Timeline
February 17, 2025:
Priority application deadline
February 17, 2025:
General deadline
March 7, 2025:
Early decision
March 14, 2025:
Final decision