Data and Racial Inequality Project - Incite at Columbia University

Data and Racial Inequality Project

A center in pursuit of understanding inequality and opportunity by asking new questions—and answering them with new methods.

The proliferation of large-scale, administrative datasets from private companies and governments has created the opportunity to answer entirely new questions about economic well-being and upward mobility.

The Data and Racial Inequality Project seeks to take advantage of this opportunity by stimulating collaborations among sociologists, economists, urban planners, spatial analysts, engineers, and others to better understand and redress urban inequality.

This opportunity requires understanding the limits of such data, bringing fieldwork to bear as needed, and addressing new conceptual, methodological, and ethical challenges.

This center stimulates collaborations among sociologists, economists, ethnographers, spatial analysts, urban planners, and others to better understand inequality and increase opportunity.

Projects led by the Center

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